Course Syllabus

  1. Introduction to Hebrew (Hebrew 101)
    1. Learning the Hebrew alphabet
    2. Exploring the Hebrew Picture Language
  2. Walking Closer with God by Knowing and Understanding His Names
  3. Understanding God's Appointed Times – The Feasts of The Lord in Prophecy
    1. Spring Feasts – Dress rehearsal of Christ's First Coming
      1. Passover – Yeshua (Jesus) Died
      2. Feasts of Unleavened Bread – Yeshua was in the grave
      3. Feasts of First Fruits – Yeshua rose
      4. Feast of Pentacost – Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) poured out
    2. Fall Feasts – Dress rehearsals for Christ's second coming
      1. Feast of Yom Teruh – Jacob's Trouble begins
      2. Feast of Yom Kippur – Israel calls upon Messiah
      3. Feasts of Tabernacles – Millennial Reign begins

Classes start TBD
Monthly On-Site Classes Class Length 1.5 hrs
Location: TBD 
Classes on line and in the virtual bible study classroom


30 Min:  Learning the Hebrew alphabet
15 Min:  The Names of God
45 Min:  Understanding God's Appointed Times – The Feasts of The Lord in Prophecy -- Starting with the Spring Feasts


  1. A willing AND committed heart and mind to learn
  2. A willingness to go deep into God's Word and looking at His Word with a Hebrew mind-set
  3. A computer
  4. Intermediate skill level (or higher) with using a computer and navigating the Internet